This is some questions for your practice of TCS IT WIZ.

Image result for google translate

Which web service is based on SYSTRAN,a software engineer?
Ans-Google translate

Image result for sandisk logo

This is logo of which Israeli-American multinational corporation in the flash memory storage space?

Image result for android sign

What type of technology do these smart tags use?

Image result for fill your box amazon

Which e-commerce company is behind this grocery service?

Image result

'Farm Heroes Saga' is a game developed by which company?

Image result for cloud hopper
Which internet giant bought this company to bolster its SMS service?

Image result for management team of uber

This is the top management of which gobal transportion network?

Image result for pascal full statue

Who is french Mathematician after whom a computer language and the SI unit of pressure is named?

Image result for dubsmash

which app is this that allows users to take funny videos themselves lip-syncing to popular songs or famous movie quotes?